You may find online shopping much easy and think that the online retailers do not require any kind of optimisation as it is very simple. The retailers require conversion rate optimisation (CRO) more than any other online businesses. We do not find the websites accurate, which are hard to handle and if they are not enough visitor satisfying. CRO is important for online business because it allow the retailers to create site traffic and helps in making more money effectively without spending much money for the acquisition of the customers. Below are the importance of the conversion rate: Ascend your cost of pay per click - The pay-per-clickâs price are hiking. It is the best thing to be adapted by the small and new businesses to gain attention in competition with SEO. But CRO are becoming lesser if every click is not converting to sales. It is noticeable that PPC ads spending budgets are increasing and conversion within eCommerce are descending. Devel...